2023 Election & Membership Meeting Materials
The 2023 Election runs from May 15–31.
1. Notice of Membership Meeting
2. President’s Letter
3. Slate of Candidates
4. Motions nominating six members for Honorary Membership
5. Motion for a 2025 Cincinnati Conference
6. Motion to amend the by-laws of the Association (Article Twelve)
7. Proxy Form (Ballot for printing/mailing)
8. Treasurer’s Report
9. Minutes from the 2022 Annual Meeting
To download any of these documents, click their respective download button
Some of these documents are multi-page. Hover over (or select) a document to scroll through its pages.

Some of these documents are multi-page. Hover over (or select) a document to scroll through its pages.
1. Notice of Membership Meeting and Proxy Letter
2. President’s Letter
3. Slate of Candidates
4. Motions nominating six members for Honorary Membership
5. Motion for a 2025 Cincinnati Conference
6. Motion to amend the by-laws of the Association (Article Twelve)
7. Proxy Form (Ballot for printing/mailing)
Note: While Proxy Forms (paper ballots) are available from the AAM Office or by printing the Proxy Form below, voting online is much preferred.
All members with email addresses will receive notice electronically of how to cast a ballot online.
Any member who uses the form below must download, complete, print, sign, and mail to
Alan Reed
3873 Fairlady Lane
Indian Land, SC 29707-0600
*** Proxy forms must be returned and received by Alan Reed no later than Wednesday, June 1, 2023. ***