Patrick Fennig
Patrick Fennig became the first Executive Director of the Association of Anglican Musicians in November 2021. Supporting the musicians who are both dedicated to the vocation and eager to celebrate the living Episcopal tradition is the cornerstone of his work within the Association. Before joining AAM, Patrick worked as Concert Series and Library Manager at Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue and was a countertenor in the Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys under the direction of John Scott, Daniel Hyde and Jeremy Filsell. As a professional musician, he has appeared regularly with Early Music New York, Musica Sacra, Pomerium, SEM Ensemble, and Ekmeles Vocal Ensemble and is currently a staff countertenor at Christ Church Greenwich, Connecticut. Being a cradle Episcopalian, Patrick grew up as a chorister at Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis, and has served on several parish, diocesan, and national committees within The Episcopal Church. He is a graduate of Northwestern University and lives in Norwalk, Connecticut, with his wife, Elizabeth, and sons, Sebastian and Benjamin. When not working with AAM, Patrick spends time with his family, cheers on the Atlanta Braves, and organizes his extensive baseball card collection.