Membership Application Form

The next deadline to submit applications and proposing/supporting statements for membership candidates is Wednesday, March 26, 2025.
Applications for membership are considered quarterly during meetings of the Board of Directors. Please contact Executive Director Patrick Fennig ( with any questions.

"*" indicates required fields

Name of Applicant*

Applying for Membership Category (select one):*

Applicant Mailing Address*

Church Address*

Applicant Work

Work Address*

Responses are typically between 150-300 words.

Responses are typically between 150-300 words.
Need help finding someone to propose or support your membership?
We offer a list of current members to help you find someone you might know. Names starting with asterisks have been an AAM member for at least three years and, as such, are able to propose & support candidates for membership. Names without asterisks are able to write supporting letters only. To contact someone in the list, please send an email request to

(must be a member in good standing for at least 3 years)

(must be a current AAM member)

(may be an Episcopal Clergy member who is not an AAM member)

Communications Permission*

AAM sends out semi-weekly e-blasts to members with relevant information and news, including an electronic version of the bi-monthly Journal.
Agreement Statement*
Please read the Code of Ethics of the Association at

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.