Grant applications are currently being accepted for the Fall 2025 cycle (September 1 deadline).

Application Form

The AAM Endowment Grant Program

I. Purpose

The AAM Endowment has a grant program providing financial assistance for projects or programs supporting the mission of AAM: to “elevate, stimulate, and support music and the allied arts in the liturgy of the Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion.”

II. Eligibility

While applicants for grants are not required to be members of AAM, all proposals must support the mission of AAM and its role in the Episcopal Church. In keeping with that mission, applications for the sole benefit of other denominations, and churches in those denominations, will not be considered.

Additionally, only projects that have a discernible benefit beyond a local parish or church community will be considered. Ongoing operating expenses will not be funded—including, but not limited to, staff singers, instrumentalists, sheet music, and instrument purchase or maintenance.

Successful applications will be for projects with long-term or lasting benefits.

III. Amount of Grant & Stipulations

Monies available for grant requests may vary in amount from year to year. Grants will be, in most cases, in the range of $500 to $2,000. A written report is required upon completion of the project.

IV. Application Deadlines

Processing the Application

Each application is reviewed by the Chair of the Grants Committee. If no additional information is needed for processing, the applicant is sent confirmation of receipt of the application which is then submitted to each of the committee members for evaluation. If additional information is required, the applicant will be contacted regarding the specific data necessary to complete the application.

Presentation of Grant

When a grant is approved, the check is mailed directly to the applicant’s sponsoring agency.


  • The Choral School of Delaware — Bent, but Not Broken Conference
  • 2022 AAM Richmond Conference Scholarships
  • A Great Host of Composers
  • AAM’s Lay Professional Advocacy Committee — Presence at the 2022 General Convention
  • The Street, a composition for harp (Parker Ramsay) composed by Nico Muhly with libretto by Alice Goodman
  • St. James Cathedral, Chicago — Gerre Hancock Internship
  • 2022 AAM Richmond Commissions
  • Cathedral of St. John, Albuquerque — Reuter Organ Festival
  • Trinity Cathedral, Columbia SC — Gerre Hancock Fellowship
  • St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, PA — Gerre Hancock Fellowship
  • Church of the Holy Apostles Choir School, Wynnewood, PA — to help establish chorister program
  • 2019 Boston AAM Conference — for past Gerre Hancock Fellowship Interns to perform during conference
  • American Sarum Conference, Erie PA
  • Washington National Cathedral — Gerre Hancock Fellowship
  • Trinity Cathedral, Columbia SC — Gerre Hancock Fellowship
  • AAM — General Convention 2018
  • Washington National Cathedral — Gerre Hancock Fellowship
  • Stamford, Connecticut AAM Conference
  • AAM — 50-Year History
  • American Sarum Conference, Erie PA
  • Tampa, Florida AAM Conference
  • Trinity Church, Copley Square, Boston — Gerre Hancock Fellowship
  • Trinity Church, Copley Square, Boston — Gerre Hancock Fellowship
  • Washington, DC AAM Conference