The Rev. Gregory Millikin
The Rev. Gregory L. Millikin was appointed rector of St. Mark’s, Evanston, IL in August 2023. For the previous five years, Greg led Grace Episcopal Church in New Lenox, Illinois, as rector. Prior to this call, he was the Associate Rector at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, in Alexandria, Virginia. The call to ordained ministry followed his ten years in the film industry primarily at Fox Searchlight Pictures, in the creative advertising department.
Greg is also active at the church-wide and diocesan levels. He was a deputy to the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church in July 2022, where he also served as an Assistant Chaplain to the House of Deputies and as a secretary in Committee 12 on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music. Greg was appointed by the President of the House of Deputies to the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music in October 2022.
In the Diocese of Chicago, Greg volunteers his time as the diocesan liturgist for conventions and coordinated worship for the consecration of the 13thBishop of Chicago, the Rt. Rev. Paula E. Clark. He is the Vice-Chair of the Commission on Ministry and a member of the Congregations Commission of the diocese. He previously served on the Board of Trustees of Episcopal Charities.
During his tenure at Grace Church, he has helped the congregation move from mission to parish status while doubling the membership and tripling pledges and the church’s budget. The parish expanded its leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic to include its first Christian education director. In 2021, the church founded the Lazarus Ministry of Grace to create a structure for providing financial need and social work to clients at or below the poverty line in the southwest suburbs of Chicago.
Greg is the author of Being Called, Being Gay, from Church Publishing (2018), a primer for the LGBTQIA+ community discerning for ministry in the Episcopal Church. He has also contributed to Introduction to Ministry: A Primer for Renewed Life and Leadership in Mainline Protestant Congregations (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015) and Words That Listen: A Literary and Artistic Companion to the Lectionary (Church Publishing, 2018). He was ordained to the presbyterate in January 2016 and holds a Master in Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary. He is also a proud alumnus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Communications in 2001. At UNC, he served as a student leader of the Episcopal Campus Ministry at the Chapel of the Cros, and contributed as a staff writer to the Daily Tar Heel.