Webinar: We Walk by Faith

Documents relating to the Webinar are given below the video.

The COVID-19 pandemic has required church musicians to abruptly change course. What have we learned so far? How can we grow our programs during this time? How does one actually create music In and FOR online worship? What are churches doing successfully? This webinar is offered to all members of the Church by the Association of Anglican Musicians (AAM). Resources are discussed for churches of all sizes.

This webinar was recorded on Monday, October 12, 2020, moderated by Jessica Nelson (St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Jackson, MS), and included Jason Abel (Christ Church, Alexandria, VA); Marissa Hall (St. Peter’s, Cambridge, MA); Arreon Harley-Emerson (Holy Apostles, Wynnewood, PA & The Choir School of Delaware); Dr. Woosung Kang (St. George’s, Nashville, TN); and Colin Lynch (Trinity Copley Square, Boston, MA).


To download any of these documents, click its download button in the top bar.

1. Webinar Resources

2. Acapella Fount of Knowledge (Acapella recommended for use with adults only)

3. Improving attendance in a remote learning environment (J. Freeman, et. al.)

4. Collect for Musicians during Covidtide